Ghana Institute of Foresters

The Ghana Institute of Foresters was established by the Professional Bodies Registration Decree, 1973 (NRCD 143) and founded in 1992.
The Decree mandates the Institute to ensure the capabilities of foresters to continue to provide forest benefits to the public which are vital to the environmental, social, and economic health of Ghana and the broader global community.
The Institute’s Mission is to advance the science, education, technology, and practice of forestry; to enhance the competency of its members; to establish professional excellence; and, to use the knowledge, skills, and conservation ethic of the profession to ensure the continued health and use of forest ecosystems and the present and future availability of forest resources to benefit society.
Our Mission Statement
The mission of the Ghana Institute of Foresters is to advance the science, education, technology, and practice of forestry; to enhance the competency of its members; to establish professional excellence; and, to use the knowledge, skills, and conservation ethic of the profession to ensure the continued health and use of forest ecosystems and the present and future availability of forest resources to benefit society.
Our Core Values
- Forests are a fundamental source of global health and human welfare.
- Forests must be sustained through simultaneously meeting environmental, economic and community aspirations and needs..
- Foresters are dedicated to sound forest management and conservation.
- Foresters serve landowners and society by providing sound knowledge and professional management skills.
The capability of foresters to continue to provide forest benefits to the public is vital to the environmental, social, and economic health of Ghana and the broader global community. Founded in 1992 as the Ghana Institute of Professional Foresters (GIPF), the National Assembly, recognizing the broadening field of forestry, voted in 2005 to change the name to Ghana Institute of Foresters (GIF). GIF is the national scientific and educational organization representing the forestry profession in Ghana. GIF is a professional registered under the Professional Bodies Registration Decree, 1973 (NRCD 143). GIF members include natural resource professionals in public and private settings, researchers, chief executives, administrators, educators and students.
GIF continues its work on behalf of the forestry profession in by providing the information and resources, training, and educational opportunities that help its members manage the nation’s most valuable and sustainable natural resource—its forests. At the local level, GIF members make significant contributions to forest resource management in districts and municipalities across the country.
Advancing State-of-the-Art Information
GIF’s flagship publication will be the Ghana Journal of Forestry. To keep up to date on current forestry news and the many local and national GIF activities, all GIF members will also receive The Ghanaian Forester.
Advancing the Ethics of the Forestry Profession
Service to society is the cornerstone of the forestry profession. The profession of forestry serves society by fostering stewardship of the world’s forests. Because forests provide valuable resources and perform critical ecological functions, they are vital to the well-being of both society and the biosphere. Members of the Ghana Institute of Foresters have a deep and enduring love for the land and are inspired by the profession’s historic traditions. In their roles as practitioners, teachers, researchers, advisers and administrators, foresters seek to sustain and protect a variety of forest uses and attributes, such as aesthetic values, air and water quality, biodiversity, recreation, timber production and wildlife habitats.
All GIF members abide by the GIF Code of Ethics, the purpose of which is to protect and serve society by inspiring, guiding and governing members in the conduct of their professional lives. Compliance with the Code demonstrates members’ respect for the land and commitment to the long-term management of ecosystems and ensures just and honourable professional and human relationships, mutual confidence and respect, and competent service to society. On joining the Ghana Institute of Foresters, members assume a special responsibility to the profession and to society by promising to uphold and abide by the GIF Code of Ethics.
Advancing Standards of Excellence
GIF intends to accredit forestry school degree programmes to ensure that the integrity of the profession is maintained. GIF members abide by a nationally recognized Code of Ethics. GIF also intends to administer the Licensed Forester programme, which will confers a national credential that verifies specific levels of education, experience, professional commitment and competence.
Advancing the Forestry Message
GIF is the public voice of professional forestry. GIF will establish a vibrant and integrated public outreach programme that will share with local and national audiences how the forestry profession helps society realize its goals for its forests. GIF members conduct hundreds of public education events nationwide. GIF also is particularly proactive in placing the forestry message in the nation’s leading newspapers and television and radio outlets.
Advancing Forestry at the Grassroots Level
In addition to membership in the national organization, GIF provides local affiliation to its members through regional chapters. GIF is divided into 10 regional units called regional chapters. GIF units around the country are at the core of the professional development opportunities afforded to GIF members. They conduct meetings, workshops, field tours and conferences where the latest science is shared. GIF units also help their communities realize their environmental goals for their forests.
Enhanced Public Outreach
GIF will continue to conduct aggressive and vibrant public outreach programs. GIF units across the country conducted hundreds of public education events nationwide. GIF was particularly proactive in placing the forestry message in the nation’s leading newspapers and in television and radio outlets. GIF’s media relations initiatives resulted in the GIF and forestry message being mentioned by the press in large national daily newspapers such as the Daily Graphic and The Ghanaian Times. Just as important, throughout the year hundreds of articles were placed in local papers as a result of the media relations efforts of individual members and chapters.
GIF Council
The GIF Council is the highest governing body in the Ghana Institute of Foresters. Its goal is to provide leadership and direction to the Institute and to ensure the achievement of its mission. The President, Vice-president, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Editor and Publicity Officer, 10 elected members (one from each regional chapter) and a Council student representative serve on the Council. The Executive Director is the chief executive officer of the Institute and serves as an officer along with the elected officers. Each elected Council member serves a two-year term.
Advancing the Forestry Profession
Since 1992 GIF has promoted and advanced forestry professionals in all segments of the profession—government, industry, academia, consulting and non-profit organizations. Members of the Ghana Institute of Foresters have access to a wealth of resources that help them stay informed about the complex world of natural resources, including research, legislation, education and new technology. GIF helps its members help society.
Advancing Continuing Education
GIF is a recognized leader in delivering professional development opportunities and continuing forestry education. GIF members advance their knowledge at national and local conferences and workshops, as well as through online education. GIF’s annual national general meeting is a premier educational opportunity where forestry professionals discover new tools, techniques and strategies to help society realize its goals for its forests.
Advancing Comprehensive Networks
Perhaps the best way for GIF members to learn about the latest advances in the forestry profession is to learn from each other. GIF members connect with each other by participating in the activities of GIF’s 10 regional chapters. GIF members will also enjoy e-mail list exchanges that connect them to a network of colleagues from around the globe. An online mentoring programme will enable students and new professionals to easily gain knowledge from more experienced
Advancing Public Forest Policy
GIF represents the forestry profession at the district and national government level. The Institute closely monitors legislation that affects forestry and represents the profession’s interests on regulatory and legislative issues.
National and Local Legislative Support.
GIF intends to establish a strong link with the Parliament of Ghana and in district assemblies across the country. GIF leaders would provide testimony and advice on a variety of forestry issues. In 2019 GIF intends to address important forestry issues and launch the first “Legislative Days” in the nation’s capital, which would enable GIF members to talk directly with key policymakers on a variety of issues of importance to forestry and GIF. GIF was integral to the passage of the Timber Resource Management Act.
Continued Publications Excellence
GIF’s flagship publications, the Journal of Forestry and The Ghanaian Forester will be premier sources of information. Members also will also receive a more user-friendly and enhanced version of GIF’s electronic newsletter, the E-Forester.
Enhanced Accreditation Efforts
GIF is working on the GIF Accreditation Handbook: Standards, Procedures, and Guidelines for Accrediting Educational Programmes in Professional Forestry. These new standards will place increased emphasis on student competency while offering schools flexibility in structuring a student’s forestry education experience.